• Dr.Bhavik Rana(Consultant)|Vapi & Valsad

  • +91-97242 47109

About us

about us

we give you the best

  • We at Minaxi piles Hospital provides very less known but most effective Ayurveda treatment for ano-rectal diseases & Digestive system related diseases.
  • We at www.minaxipileshospital.com gives you all basic information about Piles(Haemorrhoid s) , Fissure , Fistula & all there ano-rectal diseases and also Digestive system disorders.
  • Moreover , if you have any ano-rectal problem and want our specialist Dr.Bhavik Rana to answer your queries, simply drop us a message .
  • Dr.Bhavik Rana with vast experience in Ayurvedic Ano-rectal surgeries and parasurgical procedures ,emphasizing principles of Ayurveda as well as modern technology and have treated thousands of patients from india.